Teddy Tennis Business Video
You may have also missed on our Home Page the latest Teddy Tennis video that focuses on the business benefits of running a Teddy Tennis programme.
If you are a coach, an entrepreneur or a business and you want to know more about the business benefits of Teddy Tennis, please watch the video on the right.
Promotional Teddy Tennis Video
If you missed it from our home page, we have produced a short film which shows you what Teddy Tennis is all about; once you have seen it you will understand the secret of Teddy Tennis.
Alternative Promotional Teddy Tennis Video
We at Teddy Tennis are obviously very proud of the programme we have produced which is reflected in our promotional video; but we are delighted to say that other organisations are very positive about Teddy Tennis too. Check out this promotional video from Lux* Island Resorts, the first group of hotels in the world to offer Teddy Tennis to their clients
In English with French subtitles.
Practice Teddy Tennis at home!
Click on our YouTube link at the bottom of our website to enjoy our Teddy Tennis songs as well as our animations, games, lessons, stories and more.